The IRA Network  is pleased to provide qualified professionals the opportunity to join our licensee program. If accepted into our Master Financial Associate (MFA)™ program, you will be joining a prestigious Professional Alliance of IRA Network Business Consultants.  Due to our proven business model, we can now begin our national expansion, so you are looking at one of the most lucrative ‘ground floor’ opportunities around.


Since 1996, The Investor Resource Alliance (IRA) Network was one of the leading  nationwide groups of professional consultants specializing in business planning, business development services and provides resources for what every business needs: CAPITAL to start or expand their business.   The Principles of IRA network has now joined forces with the Capital Resource Associates network. Our combined and mutual mission has always been to provide comprehensive business and marketing plans that project our clients’ needs in a way that gets immediate and serious consideration and ultimately the capital they need. IRA has numerous business and  capital resources throughout the United States and abroad.


The small business sector of the U.S. economy is the driving force of the American marketplace.  A recent study showed that small businesses made up 99.7% of all United States employers.  Additionally, home-based businesses account for 53% of all small business.*  Using this knowledge, IRA Network has developed a suite of services aim directly at the small business owner.

Business Marketing PlansEquity FundingConcept IdeationDemographic Analysis
Real EstateMaster PlanningBusiness Valuation
Distributorship/LicensingPurchase/AcquisitionAction PlansFeasibility Studies
Equity ProposalsFactoringPublic RelationsGraphic Design
Economic Loan Opportunities (ELO)Venture Capital ReferralFranchise DevelopmentPublic Relations Packaging
Local Development Loan Company (LDLC) LoansPrivate Placement MemorandumsCoachingLogo and Advertising Development
SBA/Bank ProposalsDebt FinancingBrand DevelopmentParalegal Work

As a MFA, you act in a consulting capacity and are in turn rewarded by helping your clients reach their aspirations to be in their own business or expand their current one.  Whether it is preparing a simple business plan or formatting a complex private placement memorandum, our innovative approach to each of our client’s specialized needs insures that they attain the maximum professional exposure in the financial market.

Our IRA staff and affiliates are all professional business consultants, consisting of MBAs, CPAs, and lawyers, as well as non-degreed individuals who possess outstanding business and/or corporate backgrounds.  IRA members have decades of hands-on experience in an industry designed solely to help business clients realize their financial goals.  There is a huge, untapped market waiting for you.